Portal Site Email Settings
As you add dealers to your Local Portal Site you will need to add their email address(es) for getting leads. The following tutorial will walk you through the process of making this happen. Keep in mind, if you purchased the Auto-Matic-Marketing Dealer Network "Turnkey solution" the forms are already built and ready to go for you. If you are using the "DIY solution" please see the images at the bottom for setting up the forms themselves.
If this is the first time that you are setting up the Auto Mall emails make sure and set the default addresses. This is helpful as a fallback if you add a dealer's inventory, but haven't had a chance to add their email yet. Step One: Go to the CarDealerPress plugin > Settings > AutoMall Email (screenshot). To add a new email address, click the '+' symbol at the top right.
Step Two: Open the New Email box and add the VMS ID of the dealer you are adding, along with their desired email address(es) (if more than one ',' separate). Then choose whether this email will be used for new vehicles, used vehicles, or both.
GravityForms Setup
The below screenshots are for configuring your Gravityforms to work with the plugin as described above.
First, you will want to add a field to your form for the 'Auto Mall Email' as shown below. Change the 'Visibility' to be 'Administrative' to prevent it from being seen on the site. We have found this to work better than using a 'Hidden' field for testing.

The automotive industry uses an XML format called Auto Data Format (ADF) to send and parse leads into CRM tools. Some dealers will use a CRM while others do not. Adding this additional field to your form with the displayed configuration will allow you to create conditional logic to specify this preference on a per dealer basis.

You will find the section below at the bottom of each 'Notification' that you setup. You will need at least two notifications for this to work as expected, one for HTML emails and one for ADF emails. Add 'y' as the value for ADF notification and 'n' for the value for the HTML notification.