What is an Auto Mall or Portal Site?

"Auto Mall account" or "Auto Mall site" are terms that we use at DealerTrend to describe a scenario where the inventory for multiple dealers is aggregated into a single display.

Essentially we create a top level account in our VMS that contains 2 or more dealers. This then passes through to the CarDealerPress plugin so that inventory can be distinguished by location to users and leads can be sent to the proper dealership(s).

A portal site or Auto Mall site is the site that displays the combined inventory data. This can be a local portal site as described below for the Auto-Matic-Marketing Dealer Network, or a dealer group site combining all the inventory for a single dealer group.

Your Own Local Car Dealer Portal

At the heart of the Auto-Matic-Marketing Dealer Network is your local portal site. The local portal is where you will have all the inventory from your dealer clients searchable in one location. Throughout the Auto-Matic-Marketing website as we refer to the "portal" this will be what we are talking about. Example Portal

In this section, we will cover the Portal only setup options.
